Friday, 2 September 2016


Yes, you read that title correctly,

I, along with the majority of the world (or so it seems), was one of the lucky ducks who got the book the day it was released, simply by popping along to my local stockist of the book, and buying it half price (or at least my other half did whilst I was at work, so thank you a thousand times over!

Naturally I was 1000x more anxious about reading this book than any other, apart from the 7th HP book coincidentally enough. And I had every right to be. This series, or the Harry Potter franchise as a whole, made not just my childhood, but many others, brighter and better just by picking it up at all.

Now I totally get that the series isn't for everyone. And hell (is hell even allowed to be said?) some may prefer the movies. But all I have to say is, give this script a go. Maybe the movie enthusiasts will prefer it moreso than those favouring the book series, due to it actually being a script!
Anyway, now that I've finally completed it (it took me a week) I'm going to try my best to compile my thoughts in the least spoiler-esque way as possible..

OK, so nineteen years later, we find ourselves transported to Kings Cross, pretty much exactly where we left off at the end of Deathly Hallows. We're approaching the entrance to the platform, and there's a little bit of nerves coming from Albus Severus, who is heading to his first year at Hogwarts. For me, this scene, along with several others throughout the script, echoed scenes we've already seen earlier in the series, some of which were almost word for word! (If you've completed this you'll know what I'm on about). So once we're through the wall (luckily no flying cars this time) the good old Hogarth Express is waiting, and we meet Rose and her family and parents, The Weasley's. As the board the train to Hogwarts, they go to find a carriage, and this is where the story really takes off, as we meet Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco.
Now I'll drop my summary here, for fear of spoilers. Let's move on to my thoughts. 

Everything reeked of familiar scenes and scenarios. I understand we have to go through the whole process with Albus in the same way as we did with Harry and Co but it's almost too alike. I understand that Rowling didn't write it alone but on the other hand maybe that should have been a good thing? We could have possibly seen more interesting aspects or changes to Hogwarts but these seem to have been brushed aside, which really is a shame.

I did enjoy several of the character developments, particularly Scorpius and Delphi, although Delphi's development was perhaps the one that shocked me the most, as that plays a crucial twist in the play as a whole.

Overall, I'm giving the script 3 out of 5 stars.  I really wnjoyed several aspects including the twist, but for me it was all a little too familiar to the original series, and it was as if a couple of people had forced Rowling to write those familiar scenes as they couldn't let go of the series. This is such a shame though as the script had so much promise, and Rowling is an amazingly talented author, but this time, it sadly just didn't work for me.


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