Tuesday, 4 August 2015

BOOK REVIEW: Stolen by Lucy Christopher

***please note, this review may not be completely spoiler free. If you wish to remain unspoiled about this book, please avoid the blue areas. Some areas may contain spoilers without realising due to my frustration with this book. My apologies in advance***

Okay, so maybe calling this a 'sad excuse of a book' on my Instagram was a little bit harsh.

I was frustrated, okay?

Stolen follows a girl named Gemma, who is writing a letter to her former captor. Within this letter, there are details regarding her disappearance, how it was carried out, and how she managed to survive a month in the middle of the desert. And that's it. 


So, this book had me frustrated. It's 300 pages of poorly thought out storylines and scenarios, in which we are meant to sympathise with both Gemma and her captor, Ty, simultaneously, whilst also hating Ty for taking her in the first place. And just how are we meant to do that? I found myself hating Gemma moreso than Ty, even though I really didn't want too. 

The ending. Well, that just made everything worse! The fact that she openly admitted there were two options available, explained both of them, and then decided on a third, which merged the two, just angered me more. If it wasnt for the snake bite, I actually dont think she would have went back at all!

Overall, I gave this book a two star rating on Goodreads, where I have also left a mini review summing up my thoughts.

Have you read this book? Let me know in the comments if you have, and how you feel about it, as I seem to be on a lonely train of distaste for this book!

Thanks for reading, hopefully I'll be back with another review soon!

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