Sunday, 8 March 2015

2015 so far..

Hello everyone! Today I thought I would post an update on just what exactly I've been up to since 1st January rolled around. Some of these are just a statement, and others will be in more detail, and some may even get their own blog posts in the near future! So, lets see what I've been up to.

1. I enrolled at college. Again.

Technically not again, as I went to a sixth form (basically the UK's version of high school. where you stay until you're 18) when I left comprehensive school at sixteen, followed by university, so college is kind of a new experience for me!

2. I started a placement in order to support number 1.

Self explanatory really, other than the 5.30am starts, I cant really complain much, other than tiredness!

3. I have currently completed two books for the year, as well as put one down and I am in the middle of three!

I dont know how it happened, but all of a sudden I'm going from reading Starter for Ten, to reading Starter for Ten + Endgame, to those + Gone Girl! At least my vow to be more productive and loving towards my TBR pile is staying true!

4. I've used the days off from work that me and my boyfriend have off at the same time to do a bit of travelling nearby. From Washington (near Newcastle) to places such as Richmond and Keswick, I've enjoyed these proper date days so much, they really do help you to understand just how much you love that person and why they make you happy.

5. I've been to the UK's largest open cave! Side note - I'm not sure if that is what it is classed as, but that's what I was told!

hint.... I'll be blogging about that too!

6. Inbetween all of this, I've been working and doing coursework, so my crafting has had to take a side step...

7. Because of 6, I am going to post about my stitching in the next few weeks, as I have a few ideas planned and would like to share them all with you!

So, there you go! It seems pretty boring because there's no images, but my planned posts, as suggested above, will contain plenty to make up for the lack here!!

What have you been up to in 2015? Have you got any places you would recommend visiting in the North/North East UK? Please do let me know in the comments below and I'll get back to you!

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