Sunday, 19 October 2014

Struggling to Finish Books? You are not alone...

OK, so this isnt a 'conventional' blog post that someone who posts reviews would usually post. However, I felt like this was a necessary post considering I'm going through this myself.

Have you ever picked up a book in a shop, or read the summary and reviews or whatever and thought "you know what, this book sounds really good, I'm really looking forward to reading it" and then you get home or get a copy of the book, start reading it and then just stop, for some unknown reason, even if you really enjoy what you're reading? Me too.

It's happening to me right now. My current read (Rivers of Destiny by Barbara Erskine) had so much promise when I picked it up from a charity shop in a city near where I live, and at 50p, I just couldn't resist. I started reading it, and my god I absolutely loved it. And then, I stopped reading it. Just like that. And I have no idea why.

Maybe I couldn't get comfortable. Maybe my mind was doing overtime on a billion other thoughts. I just don't know. One thing I do know however, is that since I put that book down, I haven't really wanted to pick it up. I know I will someday, just not right now.

And thats OK.

Trust me. It's fine. Even if it's something you've never done, or something that goes against what reading means for you, it is fine to put down a book and not pick it up again until you feel ready. Heck, you can even move onto something else in the meantime, it might make you favour that first book once again.

I know for a fact I wont be alone in feeling this way (or at least I hope I'm not!) I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you start a book and don't fancy finishing it right now, dont panic! Curiosity will get the better of you someday. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, mayebe even next year. It doesnt matter. Just because someone else can finish that book in x amount of hours or days doesnt mean you have to. You abide by your own rules. All I know for a fact is that if I was forcing myself to finish a book, I'd definitely fall out of love with it a little bit more with every page I forced myself to read.

Do you ever feel like this? I'd love to know I'm not the only one! Perhaps you'lve picked up a book and dont really want to finish it, or arent that fussed? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. Happens to me all the time!! You're not alone.

    1. Ahh Brenda, I am glad! Do you get just as frustrated when you really wanted to finish a book but for some reason you just cant?
