I'd like to list out my intentions, starting out with...
okay, I kid, maybe not the world, but conquering my fears of uploading reviews of books or snippets of writing I sometimes work on in case I get badly judged is something I want to overcome. And this blog? Well, this blog is my key. My key to unlocking the door to those fears!
I know how silly it sounds. Writing something and posting it on the internet shouldn't be something to fear. It should be something you embrace and take in your stride. And the response? Well, you live and you learn as some people say.
This blog is going to be somewhere where I can blog my views on books I've read, or am currently reading. I'm also going to blog about my second hobby, cross stitching. I feel so old when I say that. But surprisingly, cross stitching is being taken on by so many twenty-somethings out there, and there is so much support available to people wanting to learn, or experienced stitchers who want to try another stitching brand or technique, and I want to be a part of that help. One way or another.
So, my intentions are:
- make book review blogs
- make stitching blogs
- provide help and support to followers who want it
- and maybe, just maybe, conquer the world someday.
See you all again soon, when I'll be creating my first stitching blog!
My last post can be found here: Cell, Stephen King. A Review
Follow my blog with Bloglovin - I'll follow back!
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