Today, I'm looking at the digital options. In todays society, pretty much everyone has either a tablet/Kindle/iPad, or a smartphone that can download apps, such as Apple or Android phones. Personally, I own a Kindle and an iPhone, and therefore, I also have the relevant digital reading options. On my Kindle I have way too many unread books (I'll explain how I got them later), all of which come to a total of maybe £10.00, and on my iPhone I have the Kindle app in sync with my Kindle, as well as iBooks, which comes with the phone, and I have about 5 or 6 books on there.
So, how do I manage to have so many UNREAD books on my Kindle, at a teeny tiny cost? I'll explain!
1. Overdrive app - this app is a gem I've heard about on booktube (the part of YouTube where
people go mental over books, it's great, and if you haven't tried it yet you should). As long as your library is signed up, you can borrow digital copies of books and e-books, without having to leave the comfort of my pyjamas or bed. It's pretty straight forward to set up, and can be downloaded on both Apple and Android devices for free!
How to get it:
2. Netgalley - This is a place the majority of people who review books already know about. Netgalley is a free site where you can request titles to read and review, usually before their release date. On some occasions, they also have the first book in a series available to request should a sequel be being released. The more you request, read and review, the more likely you are to be accepted for titles to read. I currrently have five or six books to read from Netgalley, but I have read and reviewed a few so far and really enjoyed them.
3. Bookbub - THIS SITE. My god. this site is brilliant. Basically, you sign up to their site, and they e-mail you daily with a bunch of exclusive deals to their site. All books are kindle books, and if you choose a book, it goes straight to the Amazon page where you can download it to the relevant device. They do a lot of free deals, but they also have a lot of bargain deals, such as £5.99 down to £0.99 for example.
4. Kindle daily deals - If, like me, you have a Kindle, you will get emails daily about Kindle daily deals on books, and whilst the deals are not free deals, they are recent releases at a fraction of the price. In one instance, I got A Court Of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas for £1.99 instead of the retail price. For all I am yet to read it, it also means I wont be urged to buy the hardback or paperback versions instead!
5. Amazon (or iBooks) - Yes, I am well aware that this is where you get all of your books for the relevant e-reader, BUT each of these platforms have free books. Yes, I said FREE. One of my all time favourite books was a one that I found on my Kindle, for free. I downloaded it on a whim expected chick-lit mush, and it really wasn't! For all there are quite a lot of books available for free on each domain, it is worth raking through some of them just to find a book you may fancy. You may also see that Classics are available on both platforms, completely free of charge, and there is nothing wrong with a good classic.
Okay, I think that's it for now. I know it's quite wordy and things, but ultimately it's my way of trying to advise you in finding bargains in e-books. If you read more e-books, and you feel unworthy of YouTube, DO NOT. Many many people film reviews for e-books or post blog reviews for e-books, and nobody judges them or looks at them any differently. I apologise if this post isn't relevant to you, but if you manage to get your hands on an e-reader, I'd definitely recommend checking out all of the options above.
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