Monday, 19 January 2015

Between Shades of Gray - Review

Hello to all you wonderful people reading my blog! Today - known as 'Blue Monday' in the UK (apparently the saddest day of the year?), I am bringing you a review of my most recently finished book. In fact, I finished it last night, and gave myself the night to sleep on it and let my feelings toward the book settle.

This cover matches the one I already own, however, there are other covers available.Image found here
The Book Title: Between Shades of Gray

The Author: Ruta Sepetys

Year of Publication: 2011

Rating: 5/5 stars


This book is unbelievable. I know I don't seem to say this alot about a book so this must therefore be the best thing since sliced bread, but it isn't. It is harrowing, graphic in parts, and upsetting in most parts. Yet it is intriguing and interesting and you cant help but read it. And that is why I love it as much as I do.

I got this book from another Blogger/BookTuber who was doing an unhaul, and therefore got it at a bargain price. I've always been interested in war reads, both fiction and non, so to get this at such a good price just made it more desirable.

This book follows the story of Lina, her brother Jonas, and her mother Elena. In the initial pages, this story also features her father, but unfortunately they get separated. The story is set in 1941, in the midst of the Second World War. However, this isn't a stereotypical war novel, as it doesn't focus on the Jewish trauma. Instead, it focuses on a Lithuanian family and their fight for survival when they are taken by Soviet guards in the night. Initially they are taken to farming grounds, where they are put to labouring work, including hopping wood for fire, farming beets, and in the first instance of work, Lina, her mother and one or two others end up digging their fellow prisoners graves.

After a lengthly period of time (I am not too sure how long this book spans over, as there are a number of lengths of time mentioned, the longest being twelve years), the family and a number of others are listed as to be moved. However, the closest friends the trio have made in the camp have not been included on that list, including Andrius, a boy Lina had befriended on the very first train journey after being taken. The family are moved to the Arctic, where they are forced to build brick houses for the NKVD, while in their spare time they have to build their own protection from the winter storms in whatever form possible.

I really do not want to spoil this book for anyone who hasn't read it, however, I am now going to speak about the book and include spoilers. Please scroll down to the end of this post for my thoughts on the book (as spoiler free as possible) if you wish to avoid somewhat key spoilers.


This book had me tugging at my heartstrings from the very moment the family got taken by the Soviets. I found myself hoping and wishing that Lina and Andrius stuck up a proper friendship, if not more, and as I found my frustration growing at the pair through the book, I was relieved for them when I got to the end.

I did feel for Andrius and his mother, although I imagine there would have been ways he could have made it less obvious that he had his own bunk with his mother, such as dirtying himself up a bit when visiting Lina and her family, rather than constantly being clean shaven and well dressed etc. However, I did feel for his mother, who towards the end of Linas time in the first farm, featured less and less. I could never imagine having to agree to sell my body (for free) in order to spare my childs life. I did feel, however, that he author portrayed this area of the story well, especially the way Andrius copes with this on top of the loss of his father. 

The scenes in the cattle carts, with Ona and her newborn child, were horrific, yet felt as though they were necessary, in order for us to be reminded every now and again that the newborn, born on the cattle truck itself after Ona had been snatched from the hospital, was truly innocent in every aspect of the word, and did not deserve to be born on that cattle truck, nor did it deserve to die after only days, with her mother following days later herself for being unable to cope with the grief.


I believe that the author has done a very good job in every sense when writing this. The novel is written with the use and influence of first-hand family accounts and memories from the survivors of Stalins reign of terror. I believe that the author has done a fantastic job of portraying these tales, and for this reason, I am highly recommending it to anyone who will listen. 

I do feel that if you have never picked up a war novel before, that this is not something you should go into believing that it is all hunky dory and things will turn out okay in the end. Although this is the case for many, the aim of war novels is not to paint a pretty picture of these experiences, but it is to make it so that the readers understand the sacrifices made by so few (or many in the grand scheme of things) for the sake of the freedom of so many.

If you do choose to read this book, please go into it and put all war novel information you know to one side, as it does no book any favours to constantly compare it to another. This book is a divine book in its own right, and I believe Ruta Sepetys has done an amazing job of portraying the harrowing scenes, not just of the buildings or the goings on, but of the characters as well. 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

How to get out of that reading slump!

found this one here - thanks Pinterest!

We've all been there. We find ourselves coming to the end of an unbelievable book or series and we just don't want to get over it, so we refuse to pick up another book for a day or two to let ourselves get over it. Then those one or two days turn into a week. A week turns into a fortnight. And so on. Until before you know it, it's been six months. Yes, you've tried to dabble in a few books here and there, but nothing quite takes your fancy at all, so you stop reading that book. And then suddenly, you pick up a book and just....WOW. It's as if you've never had that slump.

Sound familiar?

Well, you most certainly are not alone! I myself have felt this way, as has a very good friend of mine. And yes, I am well aware it sucks. So how do you get out of that reading slump you ask? Well, here are my tips!

1. Find a book you love to read, or really want to read but haven't yet.

This sounds stupid, but ultimately, if you know you love a book, or series, pick it up yet again and start reading! Not only will you rekindle your love for a series once more, but you will fly through a series of books in no time and crave the feel of the pages yet again!

2. Take the time out to find a new book YOU want to read.

Yes, it is great being a part of possibly the best YouTube and blogging and Twitter community possible (booktube by the way), as there are so many good readers and people in that community who would go to the ends of their bookshelves for you! Many people recommend their favourite reads, or reads they didnt think they would like but did, and all of a sudden your TBR pile grows, just from these recommendations. But then you look back and think 'did I actually want to read that book, or is it on my list because they suggested it?'. If it's the latter, TAKE IT OFF THAT TBR. Go to a bookshop instead of staring at your TBR undecided as to what to read. Find an attractive book. A cover that pulls you in. Read the synopsis. Sound good? Buy it. Not only have you found a new book that YOU want to read, but the cover will also look gorgeous on your shelf!

3. Stop staring at your TBR pile/shelf.

thanks again Pinterest! Found here

Honestly, this does not help at all. There's only so many times you can look at the pile and find it attractive to read. If it's as long as some peoples, you'll have no problem staring at that pile because you WILL find that book you want to read that will pull you out of that slump. But if you find yourself staring at the pile and not getting anywhere with it - stop. Try a new format, such as reading from a laptop or e-reader. Avoid looking at that TBR pile until you're ready too. Don't feel pressured to pick your next book from the pile that never seems to stop growing - seriously, what were you thinking when you picked up that book and added it to your TBR? Is it the best one to get you out of your slump?

4. Sit comfortably when you start that next book.

Be it in bed, on a park bench, in a library, heck, even on the toilet. Read where ever you are at your most comfortable. It's no good if you find yourself that perfect book from tips 1 and 2, yet sit on a seat of nails to read it. Unless of course, you like spikes up your bum. I found that taking advantage of an 'early night' helped me tremendously when I was in the slump. I found that book, and got myself all cosied up, and just read to my hearts content. Now, i am a decent way through my current read, and always read best when I'm in bed. Why? Because its my most comfortable position, and the position that revived my reading.

5. Have fun.

Make sure it's a book or rhythm you enjoy. What do I mean by rhythm? Almost like a habit. If you enjoy curling up with your book while watching TV, do it. If you enjoy having a cuppa and a biscuit with your book, do it. If you enjoy listening to audiobooks on a run, do it. Do whatever you want or enjoy doing in order to make progress with that book. Immerse yourself in the book, get lost in it's world. Fall in love with its bad boy character. Hate that bad guy. Ultimately, if it adds to the reading experience in a positive way that you enjoy, just do it.


And there you have it. My top five tips to get yourself out of that reading slump! Now, I'm off to put a bigger dent in my book!

Do you have any tips for people who are stuck in a reading slump? Have you been in a reading slump yourself and want to offer help? Are you currently stuck in that reading slump? Please please please comment below with your thoughts. And if you're stuck in that slump, who knows? Maybe myself and other bloggers can help you climb out of it! 

Friday, 2 January 2015

First Buys of 2015!

The books I bought today, still so new they have the stickers on them!

Welcome to 2015 people of Earth!

Yes, it is the 2nd January 2015, and, although I only posted on the 31st, I am back blogging to you already - many many thanks to my new baby (also known as my laptop)!

Today, I went shopping with my other half, and although I needed to go shopping for gifts for family for birthdays, I stumbled upon the little joy that is Waterstones in the Metro Centre. For those who do not know, the Metro Centre is a huge shopping centre just outside of Newcastle in the United Kingdom, and is in constant competition with Blue Water (near Kent I believe) to be the biggest shopping centre in the UK. Until a couple of years ago, there was always a Waterstones just around the corner from the MetroGnome stage (MetroGnomes are the mascots of the shopping centre if you like). Then one day, poof. All of a sudden, it re-opened again in late 2014, just in time for Christmas! But no matter when I went, I couldn't seem to find it. Until today.

My mind was telling my no. But my body (and my heart) were telling me yes. So guess what happened?


With the sale sign just staring at me as I attempted to walk past, I gave in. In I went. It is such a lovely little shop, and still looks brand spanking new! On the tables as you walk in, there are sale bargains galore, and that is where I found two of my books.

Endgame: The Calling - James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton
Endgame: The Calling - James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton

This was the first book to catch my eye. Its a hardback, which hopefully means it will be more durable to my clumsiness, and hopefully stay in better shape than other books I've had in the past. The colour of the cover is just divine, i can't help but keep staring at it in short bursts until I realise that it is a book and wont have feelings back at me. Other than the half price sticker, the emblem caught my eye too. It is so intriguing to me, and it is just such a beautiful cover in general, I didn't really need flip it over and look at the back. But I did. 

"The end of the world is coming. Play now. Or we all lose." I mean COME ON. How can you not be intrigued? Safe to say this book had well and truly earned it's way into my arm at this point. Reading the inside flap of the cover just makes me want to read it even more, and for this reason, along with the previous mentioned, it made it's way home with me today, and will be the first of my 2015 reads! I'll also keep you all updated via goodreads and twitter as to how I am getting on with this, as I am to be more interactive with followers and bloggers alike this year! So keep a check on me, I promise I wont disappoint!

All The Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr
All The Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr

The second book to catch my eye is a one that I have seen posted all over Twitter, Instagram, BookTube and blogs alike. This is All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. This again, is another sale table snatch. The beautiful cover was the first thing to catch my eye, images of cities from above and outside are always lovely, but to see them on books is always a weakness of mine dragging me in. I recognised the title as being a one from numerous reviews, all of which were nothing but positive, so I was inclined to find out more. 
When I picked up the book and looked at the back cover, all I could see were positive words about how the author describes scenes and how he has created an 'extremely readable' book. At this point I was hunting for the synopsis, which I then found on the inside cover. Now, anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for war novels, and this one is certainly no different. I cannot wait to get stuck into this book!

The Miniaturist - Jessie Burton
The Miniaturist - Jessi Burton

Again, I recognised the name, thanks to you guys! I had heard/read so many good things about this book, I couldn't just walk past it without finding out more about it! Sadly, this one wasn't in the sale, but considering it is a Waterstones Books Club book, I can't complain too much!

The cover of this one is just too gorgeous to walk past without stopping, it really does catch your eye incredibly well. After reading the synopsis on the back, I was yet again intrigued, and after reading such good reviews, I knew I had to get it. After all, I was unsure as to when I would be in Waterstones next!

The second thing to catch my eye had to be the page ends. THEY ARE THE MOST GORGEOUS SHADE OF BLUE. I'm sorry, I just have such a thing for page ends, and these do look particularly delightful.

So there we go, thats it. All three of my first purchases of 2015! If you have read any of these, please leave a *spoiler free* comment below to let me know what you thought of it. If you have a twitter handle, leave that too so I can follow you all in the least stalker-ish way imaginable!

See you all soon - I'm off to go curl up in bed with Endgame!